A few months back I bought some pepper spray, which I am convinced I am going to somehow accidentally spray in my eye. Don't ask me how this would happen, all I know is that I've ended up with mustard on my forehead and underwear in my pant leg and I don't think that a self-inflicted ocular pepper spray attack is that unrealistic. To add to my paranoia, my friend (whose name I really can't print here and yes, that makes me feel special)who works for a certain government agency tells me that the pepper spray I purchased is three times stronger than that which his mysterious government agency supplies its agents with.
Also, I let the sales woman at the army surplus store talk me into the larger size. Why on earth would I need the larger size? Hopefully I'm never going to need to use this stuff, let alone twice. Certainly I should have time to go back to the army surplus in-between muggings.
I recently read an article in Psychology Today (my therapist confirmed that, no, therapists don't actually read Psychology Today, just "psychology enthusiasts," i.e., "crazy assholes" like me) about how criminals choose victims. Surprise, surprise, looking "distracted" is high on the list. Good thing I look like a menacing badass when I walk down the street. I mean, unless I see a butterfly. Or think about a poem I'd like to write. Or think about that one time in high school that my friend and I put banana peels all over the stairs thinking someone would walk by and think "Oh my GOD, how funny! You always see that in cartoons and stuff but someone ACTUALLY put banana peels all over the stairs!" and didn't think about the fact that putting banana peels on the stairs is actually really really dangerous and then I laugh out loud.
Anyway. Bananas. No, wait, muggings. So the article says that, while some people advocate talking on your cell phone or pretending to talk on your cell phone as a deterrent to would-be attackers, that doesn't really work. The inmates interviewed for this article said that someone talking on a cell phone is NOT a deterrent, but rather a signal that the person is distracted. This is good for me, because I can stop having pretend phone conversations that go like this:
"Hi, it's me... yeah, I'm almost there... oh, how funny, I can see you from here! Is that a new baseball bat you got?.... Wow, that was smart of you to put the nail through it like... oh, a railroad stake? Yeah, that makes sense, it was sort of larger and more deadly looking than a... what? Oh, that's cool, I'm glad your police friend Marvin is currently in your apartment, looking out the window with you, I've always wanted to meet your police friend Marvin... oh yeah? He's showing you his gun?... Wow, I didn't know those were legal...oh, yes, of course... no, I won't tell..."
According to one inmate quoted in the article, a person walking a dog is a deterrent. Even a little fluff ball thingy like Lando. A psychological principal called the "Yap Factor." This is good because, when I fear getting mugged, I'm actually more afraid that something will happen to my dog than I am that something will be stolen. I actually wondered once if it would be a good mugging deterrent to leave the dog poopy bag untied so I can hurl feces at a would-be mugger. I have also considered:
Stabbing someone in the face with my keys held fast between my knuckles
- stabbing someone in the head with a high-heeled shoe that I have taken out of my bag, just in case I have to stab someone in the head
- throwing up on someone (don't know if I could do this on cue - then again, maybe it would happen naturally)
- pretending like I was schizophrenic (stole this idea from someone who says he has avoided a mugging by doing just that)
- pretending I have syphilis
- pretending I'm a Scientologist
- Holding up a bible to make them feel bad for attacking a woman carrying a Bible, although I was not carrying a Bible for the reason most people would carry a Bible
- kicking someone in the nuts (the classic)
So if you see me walkin by, and you want to say hello, and it is nighttime, consider identifying yourself first or you might just get stabbed in the head with a high-heeled shoe.