First of all, for context, here is a picture of Lando sitting next to a desk chair.
So, Lando has these tiny tennis balls he enjoys playing fetch with. The other night, I gave one a hearty bounce on my kitchen floor so that it would fly up in the air. Normally what happens next is it bounces a few times and Lando skitters all over the floor, nails scratching on the tile, trying to subdue the bouncing ball with his mighty, mini schnauzer mouth. Instead, this time, it bounced once, flew under my desk chair, and disappeared.
Upon further inspection, I realized that the ball had lodged itself between the chair and the lever you use to adjust the seat height.
Like this:
There was barely room, yet it was wedged in damn good, like that's where it belonged. Like that's where I kept my mini tennis ball when I wasn't using it. I guess, statistically, a mini tennis ball is bound to wedge itself inside the framework of a desk chair once out of every 500,000 throws or something.
Lando tried to get it out:
He gave it his best try.
It would not come out.
I took pity on him and removed the ball once it was clear he wasn't gonna move it on his own.
That's it. That's the ball story.
1 comment:
Don't bother throwing another ball at it to try to dislodge it -- that never works. You'll just end up with both balls stuck. And don't even think about frisbees, hockey sticks, etc. Just have your dad get it with the ladder.
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