Friday, July 24, 2009

Land of the Lost

At any given time, there are usually 2 or 3 items I cannot use because they are "somewhere in my apartment." Repeat offenders (as if it's their fault and not the crazy lady who puts chicken in the knife drawer)include sunglasses, phones, credit cards (I don't know how this happens), hairbrushes, and items of clothing. Most of the time they "turn back up" at some point, which is why I'll say something nonchalantly like "Oh, yeah, sorry, can't go to the movies right now; I can't find my credit card." When the person I'm speaking to gasps in horror, I have to explain that it happens from time to time, that I'm like 99% sure it's in my apartment somewhere, and that I PROMISE to cancel the card if I don't find it in a few days. Of course, every time I've cancelled a card, it magically appears 48 hours later.

I used to tear my apartment up looking for things, and occasionally still will if it's something I need urgently or if I'm just in one of those "I can't stop 'till I find it" moods. People around me love these moods. Usually, these days, I adopt sort of a zen approach, which is "it'll turn up, eventually. It's as if the apartment is using it, and it will return the item when it is done with it. Perhaps the universe is witholding the items from me because I need to learn some sort of lesson (Usually "hey, lady, put your damn keys in the same place every day. Thank you. Signed, the universe.") I'm not a supersticious person but there does seem to be some magic attached to the items, because I can only find them when I am looking for something else.

At the current moment, I cannot find a) my wine opener, b) my headphones, or c) the cord that attaches my iPod to my computer. The somewhat frustrating thing about these items, besides the fact that drinking wine and listning to my iPod are both things very important to my overall wellbeing, is that I own at least TWO of each of these items. So there are two wine openers, two sets of headphones, and two iPod cords hiding somewhere in my actually quite small apartment. Yes, sometimes I even amaze myself.

Oh, and by the way, my iTunes gift card is not technically "lost" because I haven't tried looking for it yet, despite what my boyfriend might tell you.


Unknown said...

omgsh, i'm EXACTLY the same way! it drives my friends crazy when i just shrug my shoulders and say, "meh, it'll turn up." it always does so there's no sense stressin' about it.

Shelley Chidley said...

That's hilarious. I think actually having such a small apartment makes it worse since everything is just on top of everything else.

Blind Dog Megan said...

HI Shannon,
I am so happy to have found your blog! Thanks for posting the link on FB!

So when I was a teenager my friend told me a weird theory (he may have made it up) that Pagan Nymphs steal things at various times and give them back when you need them. YOu know, they are just playful! I liked the theory, since I tend to misplace things and then they turn up when they're needed. I still sometimes think "DARN PAGAN NYMPHS!" when I can't find my checkbook.