Holy crap, guys, holy crap. Holy crap sunday with an OMG cherry on top.
Today I learned the first names of my biological parents.
Yeah. I know. Big. Super big.
For those that don't know or weren't paying attention when I told you, I'm adopted. I hired a person called a "confidential intermediary" back in December. Her name is Judith and she's an adoptee too, I think. What she does is submits an application to the through which my adoption was processed asking that my file be unsealed. (Yes, I totally imagine it being in a back room in a crate a'la the arc of the covenant in Raiders of the Lost Arc.) She gets to see all the information and will try to locate them.
So, it's taken a while, but my file was just opened. And apparently, she is allowed to tell me their first names, which I was TOTALLY not expecting. Actually, I don't think I was ever expecting any of this to ACTUALLY happen. I'm still in a tizzy about it. I'm not going to post the names here because I'm not sure I'm ready to share with the whole wide world this new information, and also, it won't mean anything really to anyone but me so I'd like to keep it important and secret. I'll probably share eventually but right now I'm going to keep it wrapped up like a puppy in a towel in a shoebox (with holes poked in the lid, of course).
But wow - they're, like, real people! They have names! They exist! (Or, at least they did, hopefully both are still around and kicking.) I knew it was going to be a huge deal when I found out, but I was still so unprepared for how it would make me feel. I started laughing and crying at the same time when I read the email. It was a wonderful surprise. I have a feeling it's just the first of many surprises on what is going to be a fascinating and emotional journey.
Yes, I have lots of questions. Lots and lots. And yes, I'll be taking notes. Please forgive me if the ADHD blog gets hijacked for a while and becomes the Adoption Reunion blog. I have a feeling none of you will mind. :)
Lemme guess. Their names are Shane, and Hannon. And that's how they named you.
shannon - that's so amazing! I hope this adventure is a wonderful one for you!
That's fantastic! So are you gonna go to all the high schools in Yakima and get all the yearbooks from 1980 or so and look at everybody with those names?
Shelley - ha ha, but actually, I didn't "come" pre-named. I was like Bunny - Ben and Marianne had to come up with a name. :)
Mike - I totally had that thought too, but actually, I think it'll be easier for Judith to contact them so I'm gonna sit back and wait. :) But I could always look for the pregnant floutist...
You have more control than me. I'd be on the next (overpriced) flight to Pasco . . .
. . . maybe their last name is O'Callahan . . .
Shan, I'm really thrilled for you this is happening and am overjoyed to be around to share it with you. Shelley's question got me thinking, though...are you prepared to learn that your birth parents may have had a different name picked for you?
This is so great! I remember you wondering about them in college and you always knew you would search for them someday. What an exciting time! I can't wait to get more updates!
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